The Golden Horns of Gallehus

The Golden Horns of Gallehus were found near Møgeltønder in 1639 and 1734 by poor farmers, who gave the findings to the King. The Golden Horns aroused a lot of attention in Europe due to their age, size and decoration.

The Golden Horns of Gallehus are from the Germanic Iron Age, c. year 400. It is believed that these Horns were used in religious ceremonies either as drinking horns or as a blowing instrument.

In 1802, the Golden Horns were stolen and remelted. Later, copies were made, but they have also been stolen many times over, the latest being in 2007. However, the copies have always been located afterwards and re-exhibited.

During the 1800s, the Golden Horns received the status of national relics, primarily because of Adam Ohlenschlägers poem “The Golden Horns”.

When the poet Ingemann turned 70 years old in 1859, he received a copy of the Golden Horns, a gesture which he earnt due to his status as “the people’s poet”.

Copies of the Golden Horns can be seen at the National Museum in Copenhagen.

The Golden Horns | Guide | Booking: +45 41562859

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